The past few weeks have been so busy. I've been shooting like CRAZY for my portfolio that is due this month!! It's a little surreal to imagine that at the end of this month waits what I've been working towards since my junior year... I'll show you what's in my portfolio after it's been submitted at the end of the month. Right now I'm keeping it (mostly) under wraps. More exciting that way, no?
Last Tuesday I got a bunch of friends together for my annual WAIT UNTIL DARK Halloween viewing (this was unusual because I'm usually watching it by myself haha). I love this movie because it's so suspenseful. Audrey isn't even in the film until 21 minutes in—the groundwork is busy being laid. Also, she went to blind school for this role and even learned braille. What I'm trying to say is, watch it. Learn it. Live it. But mostly just watch it. Because it's great. But maybe not in a library viewing room, because people might scream at the end even though it's not that scary. You should only jump in your seat, at the most.
Also, my friend Chiara and I went to the Bonneville Salt Flats and it was beautiful. I'm making a goal to see the sun rise at least every other week. Utah sunsets and sunrises are unreal. Although I do miss a good New Jersey winter sunset: empty fields everywhere with some barren trees lining them; all the colors of the sunset will shine through with the exception of those dead trees' silhouettes. Beautiful.
On my ipod as I've been walking around campus this week:
- Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack, Abel Korzeniowski
- Let It Be, The Beatles
- Dust to Dust, The Civil Wars
- Love On Top; I Was Here, Beyoncé
Also, speaking of music and Audrey Hepburn, does anyone remember how in Breakfast At Tiffany's Paul and Holly's husband open the Crackerjack and talk about that the fact that there is still a ring for a prize "gives one a sense of solidarity" in the world? Well, you know what doesn't give one a sense of solidarity in the world? The fact that the Jonas Brothers broke up—they were brothers, it was never supposed to happen. Okay, I'm good now—I just had to say it or 8th grade me would never forgive myself.
Goodbye October, see you next year!
Just loving stalking your blog :)